See Live Source Code
A react app utilizing redux for state management. The app fetches data from the Open Weather API and displays a five day forecase for the city that the user inputs in the search bar.
A scaled down version of IMDB that allows a user to search for a movie title and be given back a list of relevant movies. Each movie in the list contains a poster, title, year, synopsis, starring actors, director, user score, and an embedded trailer all pulled from the TMDB API. This is a React.js app utilizing React hooks to manage state.
Like the project above, this video search app is a scaled down version of another popular site, YouTube. Utilizing the YouTube API, this app fetches videos based on a users' input. The app features a sidebar of relevant videos on the right side along with a video player in the center to play the selected video on the screen.
A to do list to help keep track of all your tasks! Add a task, check it off, or delete a task entirely. Functionality added with JQuery and styled with Sass.
A sports-themed game of hangman! Can you guess the sport correctly before your lives expire? The project features Javascript DOM manipulation, along with HTML and CSS styling.
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